PA Fund Awards 2015 gallery

Last week’s Portfolio Adviser Fund Awards was a tremendous way to kick-start the 2015 awards season, with Artemis walking away with the Readers’ Choice Award thanks to nominations from readers of

PA Fund Awards 2015 gallery


The Fund Awards were sponsored by Rayner Spencer Mills Research and the invited guests joined them in watching the Artemis sales director Tony van Gool as he also picked up a Platinum Award in the International Equity Income, UK Equity Income, and Multi-Asset (for William Littlewood’s Artemis Strategic Assets) categories, with a gold award for Artemis Global Growth in the Global Equity category.

M&G picked up three Platinum Awards, for its fixed income and property expertise, with two each going to Henderson Global Investors, GLG and Kames Capital.  

To see who won which award, have a look here at what can be described as either the great and the good of the UK fund management business, or a Rogues Gallery…